My Little Man turned FOUR! I know not a big deal..but since when did I become the parent of a 4 year old.
His party was Fireman Themed.
We had invitations created by my talented roomie. Favors were the fireman and police hats from the Dollar Bin at Target...and the best part....the homemade carnival game created by the hubs and me!
HUGE piece of plywood
Clear spray sealant
So first up, get your adorable hubby to cut out the cityscape outline.
Second figure out the placement of the windows and draw the general window form and the flame.
Beg and plead hubs to cut the shape of the flame and the outline of the window.
Have 4 yr old help you paint the flames red, orange and yellow.
Paint the cityscape with gray spray primer, gray paint and then realize it does not cover enough and go back to hardware store for glossy can paint and do it all over again....
Spray flames with sealant
Attach flames to open window with hinges.
Have Hubs and FIL rig up a stand using 2x4s.
Day of party, con niece, nephew and roommate to fill up 400+ water balloons.
The moment of truth, let 15+ 4 year old Firemen throw water balloons at the "burning building to put out the fire"
Birthday Boy taking his turn |
A HUGE hit!